Program Services
Early Head Start offers a home-based service for infants, toddlers, and pregnant women. Once a week, a trained Family Advocate comes into the family’s home for ninety minutes, to offer fun activities, services, and information. The Family Advocate may focus on child development, health, and safety, nutrition, reading with your child, parent education, pre-natal health education, transportation support, etc. During home visits, the Family Advocate will bring activities and information that focus on goals set by the family, which are based on the individual family’s needs and interests.
To promote health and wellness in our families, we follow well-baby checks, dental exams, and immunization to encourage and educate families on prevention, early identification, and intervention. Families are given support, information, and referrals to social services that meet the needs of the family.
Socialization Activities - Families participate in different activities, interact with their peers and participate in community learning during socializations. Through our home-based program we offer one activity at our building twice a month, at different times to meet the needs of our families. During socializations, at the Early Head Start building, we offer a family style meal. Once a month families enjoy a community activity and all entrance fees are covered by Early Head Start. Transportation support can be provided to families as needed and when available.
Parent Committee - Parent Committee meetings give the families an opportunity to voice their opinions, make decisions about the activities for the program, and develop leadership skills. Through the Policy Council and Parent Committee, parents and other community representatives actively participate in the shared decision-making process concerning program design and implementation.
Policy Council - Through the Policy Council and Parent Committee, parents and other community representatives actively participate in the shared decision-making process concerning program design and implementation.
Early Head Start is a no cost program for families that have a child under three years old or pregnant women. Families must meet the federal criteria for low-income. A pregnant woman is counted as two people when calculating the number in household. Extended family living in the home are not considered part of the family when calculating eligibility of family. Ten percent of the families enrolled in Early Head Start may have income that is over the Federal Criteria for low-income.
Early Head Start receives referrals from several sources; community, TANF, and other agencies. Once Early Head Start receives a referral, the family is contacted and given more detailed information about the program. An application appointment is set. The family is asked to provide immunization records, birth certificate, and income verification with the application. After a family fills out an application they are placed on a waiting list. The family is notified when there is an opening in Early Head Start. Since we are a year round program and do not follow traditional school schedules a family may be contacted at any time during the year.
"DDI Vantage helped set reasonable expectations. We learned more about childcare and education. A lot of goals were made. We have learned a lot of skills to help us with our child."
Parsons 2023
"I didn't have the chance for early school, early head start, but the kids did. It makes a difference in their education."
Mariam Ibrahim
I was extremely inspired by DDI Vantage and feel so passionate about their purpose I am now employed by them and have the opportunity to help other families"
Bonnie Stroud
"I definitely feel that I have improved thanks to DDI Vantage because you gave me the confidence and security to believe in myself and helped me to feel secure in my decisions."
Cristina Hunter
"I have grown a lot and I am thankful for the program. I thank the Family Advocate and every single staff from DDIV."
Maria Zavala
"They taught and brought activities to help with challenges. Child is progressing and ready for school. I am not worried anymore."
Falemaka family
How can I get a FREE evaluation for my child?If you are concerned about the development of your infant or toddler or for more information about our services, contact a site listed below or submit a referral via this link : https://www.ddivantage.org/early-intervention
Who qualifies for Early Intervention services?DDI Vantage Early Intervention program provides services for families of children under the age of 3 who have developmental delays and/or disabilities.
What happens in the first evaluation?Once you submit a referral, your case will be assigned to a Family Service Coordinator and you will contacted within 1-3 business days to schedule your first appointment
What to expect during the first appointment?The family service coordinator, registered nurse, and evaluator will come to your home to meet you and your child. They will complete an overall development test that looks like playing with your child, a health, hearing, and vision screener, and determine your child's eligibility.
How much does it cost to get an evaluation?Many services are free. We will provide a full developmental evaluation of your infant or toddler's development at NO cost to you. If your child qualifies for the program, you may be charged a nominal fee based on a sliding scale.
What services are available?FREE Developmental Evaluation Home Visits Group Activities
How much is Early Intervention services?If any immediate family members of your child receive WIC, Early Head Start, PCN, Medicaid, CHIP, or FEP/TANF, your monthly fee would be $0. If your family does not have any services, your monthly fee will be based on a reasonable sliding scale determined by the Utah State Legislature. You would look at the number of people in your family and your yearly income earned to determine your monthly fee. Once your child has been determined eligible you would complete an online billing and payment form and submit income information to determine your monthly fee. The fee is a one-time fee, based on how many services your child receives in a month.
How much are services if I have more than one child in Early Intervention at the same time?If you have a monthly payment, it covers all of your children that currently receive Early Intervention Services.
How do I make a payment?If you receive Medicaid or CHIP, your services are free. We do not bill private insurance so payment is based on your gross monthly income and number of people in your household. At your first visit, you will be given billing and payment information, you can register online, which will enable you to pay by credit card. If you choose to complete a paper copy of your fee form, you will mail a check to Baby Watch. The return address will be included in the bill.
How do I create my child's Online Billing Payment Account?You will be sent an email with your child's individualized account sign-up information and then go to. https://bnp.health.utah.gov/ This will allow you to create your account and make payments with your credit card. For step by step instructions, please click on this link:
2025 HHS Poverty Guidelines
Persons In Family Unit**
For each additional person, add $5,500.
*Applicants must qualify based on these income guidelines. Some exceptions may apply. These guidelines are used from 1/15/2025 to 1/14/2026 and pertain to 48 Contiguous States and D.C.
**Pregnant Women Count as Two Persons
Enrollment priority is given to families that face certain risks or difficulties, including teen parents, housing concerns, parents' education less than 8th grade, language barriers, foster child, single parent, and/or developmental delays.
Early Head Start 2024 Annual Report
DDI Vantage Early Head Start Locations

5287 South 4015 West
Taylorsville, Utah 84129
Phone: (801) 966-0497
Fax: (801) 966-0821
670 East 3900 South Suite 105
Salt Lake City, Utah 84107
Phone: (801) 268-0056
Fax: (801) 268-1319
167 South Main
Tooele, Utah 84074
Phone: (435) 882-3439
Fax: (435) 882-0118
Program Coordinator
Martha Velasco
Email: mnvelasco@ddivantage.org
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